Well, they encourage your complete cooperation, send you roses when they think you need to smile. I can't control myself because I don't know how, and they love me for it, honestly, I'll be here for a while. So give them blood, blood, gallons of the stuff. Give them all that they can drink, and it will never be enough. So give them blood, blood, blood, grab a glass because there's going to be a flood. A celebrated man amongst the gurneys, they can fix me proper with a bit of luck. The doctors and the nurses, they adore me so, but it's really quite alarming 'cause I'm such an awful fuck (oh, thank you) I gave you blood, blood, gallons of the stuff, I gave you all that you can drink, and it has never been enough, I gave you blood, blood, blood, I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love - Blood - End Credits


click on a character to learn about them !

this site is VERY in progress and will probably be changed.

hansel viklund

Hansel Viklund

- the protaganist of the story who conducts

the fateful train where the murders occur.


Rainer Nilsson - a main character, the handsome detective helps Hansel with his murder cases for free.

Beatrice Ivanova - ringmaster, runaway, she is a strong woman who joins Hansel and Rainer's team.

Constantine Collberg - have a question? ask Constantine. This mail carrier seems to know everything.

Vitali-Rae Von Vadovksi - a frequent boarder of Hansel ' s train, the sadist may be hiding some dark secrets...

Ryo Dahlquist - the masochistic surgeon and doctor who doesn ' t quite remember where he came from.

Yohan Nachtnebel - an irritable professer with a mysterious backstory.

Candy Store Twins - conjoined or your average siblings? These unnamed twins are the hottest rumor in Kors pa Kors.

Fritz (Fredrich) Hans - fabulously eccentric, this magician will knock you off your feet. (probably by accident.)

Jens Eriksson - a traveling merchant who loves his wife, Lotti.

Lotti Eriksson - a traveling merchant who loves her husband, Jens.

Sylo Sybin - A form-changing, mysterious entity who is the human embodiment of psilocybin. She'll take you for a real trip.

The Murderer - ???

character sites in progress